Encana Teams Just Wanna Have Fun!

Encana experiences another kind of water cooler.
Team fun was the order of the day, and this Encana team got to experience that first hand, when they brought their team out to the ropes course. They also realized there are a lot of benefits to getting your team out of the office to do something outrageous.
When you’re on the high ropes, you learn a lot more about your team members than you ever could experience while sitting behind a desk.
You also get to learn about your own capabilities when you stretch your comfort zone past the water cooler.
“Making it across the swinging boards was the highlight of my day!”
Team fun and having everyone on the same playing field is powerful. In addition, we learned a lot about team and communication and trust. Your team has come up with a strategy to complete the task; now it is up to you to step up and play your role. That level of effort and care really means something and you get to take that back to the office.
“This was a very encouraging atmosphere.”
“This was a great team building experience and it was physically and mentally challenging too.”
Going to a new place and on an adventure that most people have never done before, opens your team up to creativity and inspiration.
But the best part of a day on the ropes course is that it’s downright FUN!
Teams just wanna have fun! Are you ready to give yours an experience they will never forget?