Getting Past the Challenges of Re-Organization and Internal Changes – City of Calgary

Is there life after a Re-organization and Internal Changes in a company?
Re-organization and Internal Changes in a company are challenging. No one likes change, and when your division has faced a major reorganization of team members, it makes it even more difficult to navigate it well. For the City of Calgary’s Social Program Team, relationships are of the utmost importance, which is why they knew learning more about each other was exactly what they needed to break the ice, break down the walls and finally break through to become a fully functioning team.
“Work has been so stressful it was nice to take a break and have fun.”
“It was good to see that everyone has vulnerabilities in some activities and working together we all succeeded.”
Great communication leads to better relationships and it all starts when you improve your listening skills. Listening is also the way you develop the bonds of trust. This team had to learn about each other’s strengths and how to rely on each other, so we planned their day with a variety of challenges that would work them up to facing the high ropes together.
“Learning how to listen and respect each other,” showed us “there is lots of potential if we make an effort.”
“Everyone has different strengths,” and “this team can and will soar,” if we are “flexible in our thinking and not too attached to our own ideas.”
The experiences challenged them to use a “variety of skills and leverage them strategically.” They took the “opportunity to grow together and leverage each other’s perspectives” which lead to more “open and trusting conversations.”
The day gave many insights into themselves and each other.
Back at the office they committed to:
“Providing opportunities for staff to highlight their strengths.”
“Giving others the chance to talk.”
“Encouraging each other more.”
“Being more trusting.”
“Being more open and talking with others.”
But their biggest takeaway as a team:
“We are working hard to connect and understand one another and recognize the value in that deeper connection.”
What could your team do with a better understanding and a deeper connection? Call us today to talk about a program tailored to your specific needs.