Big Brothers Big Sisters Innisfail – Ropes Course gives back

Giving Back to youth and our community is important to Red Lodge Ropes Course. Our challenge course was originally built to work with the leaders of tomorrow and we were excited to host 28 local youth this past August.
A few reasons why we offered this program are to provide youth the opportunity to:
- build relationships with their peers
- feel a sense of community
- develop self efficacy, and
- have the chance to experience something they never have done before
We had a fun day with these kids and are looking forward to doing it again next year. Thank you to everyone who helped make this day a great success.
Click here to read more in our Innisfail Province article, “Facing Challenges for the Future”.
Letter from Lucille Paquette with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Innisfail:
“A huge Thank You goes out to Beth Fredeen and her crew for giving the children in our program the opportunity to attend the Red Lodge Rope Course free of charge!! Twenty eight children and 5 volunteers/parents attended the day long activity. The staff spent the morning doing team building elements on the ground and in the afternoon we hit the ropes. “The children had the chance to learn what it means to communicate and problem solve effectively, as well as acquired a greater understanding of collaboration with other people to achieve goals as a team.” Besides learning a great life skill the children had a fun day!!
Thank you to the following people for making this day successful:
- Beth Fredeen and her staff with Red Lodge Rope Course
- Rob Stuart, Mayor of Bowden
- Don MacIntyre, Innisfail/Sylvan Lake MLA
- Johnnie Bachusky with the Innisfail Province
- Dean Owen with Olds Community TV
- Geoff Rock 104 Olds Radio Station
- Volunteers/parents who helped out – Sherry Dijkstra (board member), Lana Kennedy, Christine Martin & Rayleen Carruthers
- Fellow partner in crime, Sharron Matthewman with Big Brothers Big Sisters Olds and Sundre
Beth has indicated that they would be happy to provide this valuable service again next year!!!”
Click here for the Big Brothers Big Sisters September 2015 Newsletter
Acknowledgement from the Town of Bowden’s Mayor, Robb Stuart:
“I would like to commend Beth Fredeen and her associates for working with the local Big Brothers Big Sisters at the Red Lodge Guest Ranch. This organization was given a free day of activities on August 8th. The Red Lodge Ropes Course is a challenging activity which is supervised by trained instructors. The Red Lodge Ropes Course is a subdivision of NexLevel Challenge Ltd. Beth is a former area resident who graduated from Bowden Grandview School and has established a successful company. Thank you for giving back to our community.”